Last active [hidden]
I'd like a set of God armor except I just want protection 4 mending and unbreaking 3 on every piece of armor (no aqua affinity and such) how much will that be in Emeralds or diamonds?
@TomTom900 i have 2 chicken spawn eggs so i could maybe sell one to you for 7-10 db
i would like to buy one please
I'm a redstoner and builder. Is there any way I could join you?
@misterkickman Since he didn't say it, he already sold the egg
@Quartz_King sorry, already sold for 64 db, 2 zombie heads, 2 skelly heads, 2 player heads and a wither head!
@thegoldsmith ok is there anyone who can confirm your abilities as redstone engineer or can you post a video of you making a long range tnt cannon?
i dont really make tnt cannons and I have no way of recording
This faction seems great for me! I love redstone and would like to join
Yay Im so happy I won! Thanks rnc for making the game
nvm i dont want it if its within rtp
I can be onlinr at around 3:30 EST
@TheBlizWiz can we do this romorrow? I have to go to bed