Last active 7 years ago
I've only asked for a few things, which include a new Razer keyboard, a book, a few compact discs, and a speaker.
I've gotten (for other people) a guitar, a candle, box of oreos, canvasses and drawing supplies (all for one person), a t-shirt, and a sketchpad.
@TheSpiderman2013 you don't think anything
I don't know if you're trying to, but please don't cause any strife.
@mr_man32 If i want to buy my base, does crafty need my coords? my house was set there in that world, also will it be 5 dollars or could it cost more
Like gilbertboys said, I'm not sure that CraftyMyner is continuing this service. It's worth a shot to wait for him to answer, but otherwise, I'd just continue playing on the new map. At least until he or another staff member replies with a definite answer.
Fireworks aren't that expensive, either, so it shouldn't be too hard to get a ton of them. I feel like this is going to get nerfed, though.
Yesterday I tested it on singleplayer, and with just under 4/5/6 (I can't remember) stacks of fireworks, I climbed up to over 2,000 Y. I flew vertically the entire time.
That's way too overpowered.
@ghostassasin81 this guy is annoying only 4 mins in and done
I wish the video was longer
@FishW Nice! I haven't been keeping up with my Minecraft news lately, so thanks for this post! :D
Of course! I saw the opportunity to inform, so I did!
Logdotzip video. Don't care if you think he's shit. I'm using his video here. xP
I love fireworks in minecraft anways, so this is pretty cool to me! Super OP, but whatever.
Attack Indicator
The team switching and gamemode changing are done by command blocks, either hooked to a clock or set to "repeat" and "always active." (Or whatever the two are.)
The command(s) for gamemode basically change anyone within a certain radius who is in survival to adventure mode, and vice versa. (/gamemode @a[r=15,m=s] adventure -- Changes all survival players within 15 blocks to adventure)
That's an alright suggestion, but I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Are you saying that seeFriendlyInvisibles should be turned off? This should stay on, at least for the spawn team.
(Also, I imagine that CraftyMyner would know this command already. xP)
Has this been shared yet?
"I like this server very hard"
Well, I was going to post a story, but I suppose if it's going to be locked, I won't.