Last active 11 months ago
Now I have the odd desire, to walk upon a forest composed entirely of trees topped with perfect shapes.
Square, spherical and all the like topped trees.
LOL yee I promise, theres nothing in the shulker :3 atleast nothing thatl bite...
You are the worst at pvp, the 10/0 kd ratio I have on you as I am garbage at pvp & you were my first experiences with pvp makes that statement of yours a bold faced lie.
Second off your revenge statement is likely revenge on warrior for killing you and your friend so theres that.
Also your just annoying, you spam in chat constantly. Here's hoping they raid you instead of accepting you lol
p.s. your steaks tasted great, bring me more.
I can appreciate the idea, where your coming from. But even with a majority rules vote the server could easily get trolled into oblivion.
Maybe allowing some of the helpers or mods have access to a restart command or change the timer to every hour as the server gets bogged down to oblivion after about 45 minutes from restart.
I foresee creeper catastrophe in that dark spawn-able cave build :(
Slime always wins, believe in the golden hoe!
I'll put a shulker of slime ball on Nico.
Happy Birthday! @otakuinalaska
A few questions/thoughts.
@iwarriiori Any plans to combat this server side?
Looking back I can really see how what I said could be taken harshly in a lot of directions, so first let me say thank you for not reacting to it as such. & I apologize for the statement in the first place.
Thank you.
I was really just feeling like people thought boats alone are responsible and felt like saying something, in retrospect I regret it.
Love & Peace.