
Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Thu Mar 1 11:02:26 2018
    _Humanoid_ posted in The Shout-Out Section.

    @SharpSerac Thanks Javon it's great to finally get some recognition for my achievements here

    as your first act, what is the king of craftymynes to decree first?

  2. Tue Feb 27 09:22:13 2018
    _Humanoid_ posted in The Shout-Out Section.

    I want to give a shout out to everyone I've met or ever will meet on this server who has/will become my good friend (which is most of you posting). I appreciate you all and your personalities! You truly have changed my life and I love you all, my friends!

    aka hoomanoid
    aka hooman
    aka hoo
    aka hooman resources
    aka my little hoomie
    aka big daddy hoomie
    aka the wild Hooman
    aka tv bro
    aka craftymynes' material bank for poor players

  3. Tue Feb 27 07:28:42 2018
    _Humanoid_ posted in CraftyMynes YouTube Series!.

    @NerdieBirdieYT Perhaps I should make a documentary - The Life of a Wild Humanoid

    I'd watch it LOL

  4. Fri Feb 23 06:15:02 2018
    _Humanoid_ posted in The Selfie Thread!!.

    sorry i don't look exactly like my avatar, i've fooled you all muhahaha

  5. Fri Feb 23 06:13:58 2018
    _Humanoid_ posted in The Selfie Thread!!.


  6. Fri Feb 23 06:06:01 2018
    _Humanoid_ posted in CraftyMynes YouTube Series!.

    any idea with the awesome and cool humanoid strutting his stuff for the camera is good videos!

  7. Fri Feb 23 06:02:28 2018
    _Humanoid_ posted in The Shout-Out Section.

    Shoutout to @_humanoid_ for totally coming to your birthday party..

  8. Fri Feb 16 03:14:22 2018

    @JKELLER4000 I can sell you some mending books. for 15 diamonds each!

    It is a little steep price but my mending books can be named anything you want!

    They also have the cool enchanted effect!

    I sell premium mending books at premium prices !

    haha so, charging extra for customization of names?

  9. Thu Feb 15 10:30:08 2018
    _Humanoid_ started the conversation I need mending and maybe regular books .

    Hi.. well on light of the fact that I die every other day, I need to restore my supply of mending books for future disasters. Also will buy regular books to use to get the rest of my needed enchantments. Thank you.


  10. 7 years ago
    Sat Jul 15 07:49:59 2017
    _Humanoid_ joined the forum.