Last active 4 months ago
@banaanzxcvbnm @RockinRicky2 i am online if its suits you
@banaanzxcvbnm My order will be:
1 god sword-----------------------7DB
1 god fishing rod----------------1DB
1 god pickaxe (silk_touch)---3DB
1 god pickaxe (Fortune)------3DB
1 god axe (silk_touch)---------4DB
1 god set----------------------------9DB
1 god shovel (silk_touch)-----3DBTOTAL-------------------------------30DB
I am assuming the god set has thorns and normal Protection_IV
I am not sure when but within the next 12 hours i will be online.
Order ready, I really should write this up the top but tell me If you want thorns... it will cost another db
And yes it has pros 4 and all the other god enchants
@Gminidog A Silk Touch God Pick > 3db
Order ready
Fully stocked on everything
Added god bows and god fishing rods
what if it is in creative mode and I take screenshot?
Can we do this in a creative mode world or in CM? xd
@Anialis I need 2 more god pickaxes, a Fortune 3 one and a Silk Touch one. 6db :)