
Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Thu Nov 16 05:43:41 2017
    Wylieguy posted in Team Eye Application (Official).

    IGN: Wylieguy

    Age: 17

    When did you first join CraftyMynes?: November 14th I believe.

    What is your tick count?: No idea.

    How experienced are you in PVP?: I would say I am great at pvp. I have many victories concerning hunger games.

    How do you like to play the game?: I love to do pretty much everything.

    Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.): I'm commendable at traps, raids, griefs, hunts, etc.

    What do you like about Team Eye? (At least 50 words, no more than 150): Team Eye is a faction on the rise. To put it quite bluntly, I want to join the winning team. It seems as though Team Eye has a great sense of unity. They over all seem like a fun group, one that I think I can help benefit. (Not to mention I got some coords to share) >;). Forgive me if it is not 50 words, I have to leave soon.

    Why do you want to join? (At least 50 words, no more than 150): I want to join for plenty of reasons, the main one being: it sounds fun. Going on raids as a team isn't something you can do on single player, and quite frankily, it is such a thrill. I love the hunt, and I love the teamwork.

    What do you bring to the table? (At least 100 words, no more than 200): Basically anything. I know up top it says they dont want people like builders and redstoners, (which I can understand why) but I am just a good- well rounded, player. Want me to build a trap? Done. Want me to find a user? Found. Want me to raid someone? Consider it done. I have good pvp skills, a sense of war strategy, and if I am being honest, this isn't my first time. (More like millionth.) Anyway, once again you'll have to forgive my lack of words. I gtg)

    What sets you apart from the other applicants? (This is the most crucial question, write as much or as little as you want, but put thought into it):
    What sets me apart? Socially, I'm not your average kid who plays Mc. I can get along well, and I think I've got a sense of humor. I can think for myself as well as I can 'take one for the team'. I am a good strategizer. In the past, I may have toppled a couple of servers just to see if I could. I found out I was good at it, and continued to do so. I think Team Eye has exactly what I am looking for. However, I could be wrong.

  2. Thu Nov 16 05:27:09 2017
    Wylieguy posted in Joining a faction..

    Forgive me, I am new to this. How do I go about doing that? @RockinRicky2

  3. Thu Nov 16 05:22:23 2017
    Wylieguy started the conversation Joining a faction..

    Hello, I am quite new to this. For those of you who know me, you know I have been quite mutual in my dealings of minecraft. However, I figure it is hightime I join a faction. Would the leaders of Team Eye contact me? I would like to discuss joining.

  4. Thu Nov 16 05:12:35 2017
    Wylieguy joined the forum.