Last active 4 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Wed Jun 22 11:56:05 2016
    JDAKandEEK posted in Craziest ban appeals.

    This guy is really trying...


  2. Mon Jun 20 21:01:10 2016
    JDAKandEEK posted in Villagers at Spawn.

    you cant vote twice with the same ip address

  3. Mon Jun 20 18:34:55 2016
    JDAKandEEK posted in Chunks reload.

    That was interesting. Only skimmed over the video being an hour long!

  4. Mon Jun 20 11:14:28 2016
    JDAKandEEK posted in Any one play slither?.

    so does your base bruh

  5. Sun Jun 19 18:38:57 2016
    JDAKandEEK posted in Villagers at Spawn.

    There are vanilla villagers that trade at the same rate. You would only be hurting people without access. That is actually how 1.8 was now that i think about it.

  6. Sun Jun 19 18:11:04 2016
    JDAKandEEK posted in Villagers at Spawn.

    @bSan420 It has happened.

    Every day there is less people willing to trade emeralds. Diamonds seem to have become players's most used currency, which makes them pretty much unvaluable, as we can't do much with them.

    We need more emeralds circulating at server... the logic is easy

    More emeralds = more trades
    More trades = better items
    Better items = easier success
    Easier success = more bases/life and possibilities on wilderness

    Emeralds are very easy to make. First you start with farming. Then you need..... CRAPPLES AND POTS!!!
    Make yourself some villagers.


  7. Sun Jun 19 18:07:11 2016
    JDAKandEEK posted in Villagers at Spawn.

    @R4iscool1 Gold had value in 1.8 because Gapples, it's pointless to own lots of gold here now since you can't craft them anymore.

    Crapples and pots are still very useful. Gold is very expensive from the spawn villagers. Maybe i don't mine enough(ever).

  8. Sun Jun 19 18:00:10 2016
    JDAKandEEK posted in Any one play slither?.

    yeah it gives you coords if you are playing with a friend. you can also connect to their game. that is what the server ip is for. the rest of it is useful for basically going afk for a second or trying to take a screenshot.

  9. Sun Jun 19 12:28:40 2016
    JDAKandEEK posted in Chunks reload.

    I have 4 golem farms and they are about 80 blocks away from eachother. Not one piece of redstone tho. I'm interested in what all your redstone does. Willing to share?

  10. Sun Jun 19 04:56:01 2016
    JDAKandEEK posted in Any one play slither?.

    Slither is much better on the computer unlike agar that is better on the phone. What are these skin leaks you are posting? I've done better than this but one of the only pics i have. I haven't played in weeks tho.


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