
Last active 6 months ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Thu Jul 11 07:38:06 2019
    XenialJesse posted in 1.14.4 thoughts?.

    I just wish caves and outposts had kept their high mob counts. In the times where the server wasn't lagging, they were the most action-packed Minecraft we'll ever get.

    So in related news, low mob spawn rates are now apparently being looked into for 1.14.4.

    And back to villagers... the decaying discounts are _not_ supposed to be a thing for cured villagers, and 1.14.4 already has a fix implemented.

    They literally can't fix a thing without breaking a thing. Hacky stuff.

  2. Tue Jul 9 08:45:13 2019
    XenialJesse posted in 1.14.4 thoughts?.

    Wow... villagers have to be able to pathfind to beds now to be able to breed.
    1.14.3 was such a major nerfbat. I can't deny it was balancing, but I really miss all the .2 shenanigans. I don't miss it being impossible to get anywhere at night without god armour, but the rest I do.

  3. Tue Jul 2 00:34:46 2019
    XenialJesse posted in 1.14.4 thoughts?.

    Villagers went from being OP af, to... well balanced. It is a bit of a kick in the nuts if you got used to working the 1.14.2 mechanics for good prices.

    • Villager discounts disappear, even cured villagers
    • Hero of the Village V is no longer worth the time required to get Bad Omen VI (30-60 minutes of doing not a lot)

    Not super happy that they stealth updated the discount decay in. I lost hundreds of enchants in that week of hacky griefing, and deliberately didn't restock them.
    Also a bit sad that zombie villagers are now less meaningful. They should have made it that a naturally-spawned zombie villager gave you discounts for life.

  4. Thu Jun 27 03:14:07 2019
    XenialJesse posted in 1.14.4 thoughts?.

    Optifine updated for 1.14.3. :)

  5. Wed Jun 26 22:31:13 2019
    XenialJesse posted in Villagers.

    The same has happened to me since 1.14.3, and I haven't seen this change mentioned in any of the bug fixes or patch notes. Stealth update or a new bug? Maybe the former.

    With enchanting tables fixed, enchanting armour fixed, outposts no longer able to churn out Bad Omen VI in minutes, and discounts no longer sticking... villagers in 1.14.3 have fallen a long way from their OP status.

    I had several guys paying an emerald for 1 clay ball by default.
    With Hero, one guy charged 2 stone or 1 granite/diorite.
    I can't say that's bad for the game's balance, but I'm missing 1.14.2 more now. :(

  6. Wed Jun 26 07:33:21 2019
    XenialJesse posted in 1.14.4 thoughts?.

    So all my villagers have reset all of their discounts.


  7. Wed Jun 26 03:32:57 2019
    XenialJesse posted in 1.14.4 thoughts?.

    Humfrydog, PureBDCraft. It's updated for 1.14 but they haven't finished the villager and ravager skins yet; I'm hanging out for that update. I could go on about a number of other cool things it does - especially once Optifine is enabled - but I'll just that say I highly recommend it.

  8. Tue Jun 25 07:44:31 2019
    XenialJesse started the conversation 1.14.4 thoughts?.

    As expected, the fix to the entities issue has meant drastically reduced mob counts. I knew I'd miss them.

    Minecraft just has too few mobs by default imo. I agree that 1.14.2 went over the top, it was bonkers, but even an 80% reduction in apparent mobs would have been ok. This feels like.. 99.5%.

    At an outpost - 1.14.2:

    At an outpost - 1.14.3:

    I know, I just took a pic of an empty space. But this is where the same pillagers spawn and it does create the right impression. There now spawns 1 pillager per roughly 30 seconds. It had to wait 19 Minecraft hours to get a single raid captain.... ie., Bad Omen 1. Bad Omen 6 would take about a real world hour at that rate.... an hour of waiting between single pillager spawns.

    The server is indeed running super smooth however; feels like single player.

    While I have been with the opinions that some plugin would still be worth it, honestly if it keeps running like this the effort wouldn't be warranted. It's been running rock solid for the last 2 hours. It is still sitting on 20 TPS as if the number 19 doesn't exist.

    I'm guessing it will keep performing better than we had it in 1.13, due to that improvement Crafty made a few weeks ago.

    But seriously, the world is super desolate now. I don't even understand outposts anymore.

    And.. some change to mouse sensitivity and sometimes villagers get stuck instantly closing trades.

    Despite the lag, 1.14.2 was a bit of a golden era. The days of mad cave runs, crazy overlapping pillager raids, stupidly large pillager armies at outposts, having the nether completely shut down by pigmen, and actually not being able to survive in the wild at night are all over. :(



  9. Sun Jun 23 13:18:05 2019

    Ah wow, doh and ok.


  10. Sun Jun 23 02:42:30 2019
    XenialJesse started the conversation Can we have the chests back at spawn?.

    Was there a pressing need to remove the normal chests from spawn? It was fun being able to use them for things like stashing loot for new players, hiding something good for someone else to hunt for, or just dumping trash that other people could scavenge. It was always fun in the 1.13 map to just check them out and see if you found anything cool... like a chest full of fish or armour.

    Sad that they're gone. :(

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