Last active 5 years ago
@Venetorem pics or it didn't happen xp
As vene said.
but thats kool i thought there was a height cap.
what a whole new world was just opened up for me
@FlashFood I forgive Pimpcy for being such a gigly dork
I second this statement
I also forgive nysic for being an aussie its not his fault
yea i'm sure there is a bigger picture I don't see it was just an idea. Also Vip+ arena, parkour and elytra course coming soon? That is very exciting
You have shulker as a pet twice :)
Also the "buy crafty a pizza" I know is a pure donation out of the kindness of our hearts. However I was wondering if in exchange. We could get a small something in game like craftycoins or a cake renamed pizza.
Well that's never gonna happen. #foreveranub