Last active 5 years ago
hehe it'll be some time before i can show off, the blocks i want to use are very grindy to get :/
Nice work @JeremiahSenduk! That tree looks crazy :)
In Game Name: Roylne1
Age: 34
Time Zone: Eastern
Strengths: In-depth knowledge of the core game; I've been playing since alpha and keep up to date with mechanics and features as they are added each patch. Open schedule which allows me ample free time to be online, and an even temperament which makes it easy to deal with conflicts.
Weaknesses: I'm still very new to multiplayer, so there are many aspects I would need to learn about. I also play on a very old computer, which sometimes likes to throw tantrums and makes gaming difficult. I'm a pretty crappy redstoner as well, for what that's worth.
Why you are Applying: I had stated in my self challenge thread that I'm unfortunately not in a position to be able to contribute to the server monetarily. I know that's the most direct way of being able to support it, so in its stead I tried to find a way to at least give back to the community through my hardcore challenge. In the process I've been able to make some good friends and have fun telling the story of my quest for ticks. I originally wasn't planning on applying so close after hitting the benchmark needed to meet the requirements, but after a few conversations with staff members it seemed like a good way to take the next step to help give back to the server in some way. They helped make it known that my little idea had made more of a splash than I realized, and their encouragement helped me make the decision to apply now rather than wait.
Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 10,522,499
Custom Note (optional): I fully intend to continue my challenge (well technically Naidae's challenge now) should I be promoted to helper. 20 Million is still a long way off, so that gives me plenty of time to help :)
Shoutout to @Pwnanite, thanks for the crazy generous gift! I needed a shulker box!
Face Reveal since the first leg of my challenge is over...also @DonCake are you my long lost brother?
Yay I was hoping to fool at least one person ;) Thanks guys!
I was SO CLOSE! What was I thinking??? I alt-tabbed at dusk on an island??? I'm an idiot!
Damnit. I guess I need to give out my coords on here since I gave them in chat already. But let me show you what happened first.....
Well as promised my base coords are.....
STILL SAFE CUZ THAT'S NOT ON THE SERVER! That's my single player world :)
This is what happened on the server:
(and thank fuck my enderchest is finally safe!)
Tonight's the night! I'm going for broke to hit the first challenge. I'm gonna marathon until I hit 10 mil. If i did my math right, i'll hit it around 2:30 AM Eastern time tonight.
EDIT: i mucked up the math. it's 3:30 eastern. 2 hours left...i dunno if i can stay awake that long....
Just had my closest call yet. It was almost all over. So close that I almost gave up and accepted that I lost the challenge. I only have screenshots of the aftermath because I was obviously panicking as it was happening.
I was beacon mining on diamond level and came across an interesting terrain generation; a lava pool spawned in a couple blocks lower than the normal lava level. For some reason I didn't water bucket it right away and continued mining. About a minute later I saw a slime spawn, which i was happy to go kill; part of the reason I was clearing was to find slime chunks. I started walking backward to torch grid a few areas that i had just dug to get back to where I left off.......
And fell right into the lava pool that I had just found. My head submerged. I have a little fire prot on my armor, but no potions on me. There just happened to be a single block of stone I could jump on, and thankfully I already had a water bucket on my hotbar. I was down to 2 hearts by the time I put the fire out. I don't think the totem I was carrying would have even saved me. Thank god for that water bucket!
Here is the pool of death (now obsidian), the slime had spawned right about where the creeper is in the background.
My new favorite block in the game, my solitary salvation and only reason the challenge continues.
I wish I had something witty or funny for this one. But I'm just gonna be honest. I pulled an all-nighter to get this screenshot. I got hit with a case of insomnia and pushed through. I didn't even do anything fun, I literally finished tearing down a mountain, rebuilt it 50 blocks away, then built a 51 diameter circle to mark out the center of the megabuild I'm working on. Oh and I moved the mountain because it was in the way of the terrain I wanted to use. I'm outta gas. My eyes are burning from lack of sleep. But I only have 1 million left to the first goal.
Worth it.