Last active 5 years ago
@Dennari43 Yes, because they refuse to see they are wrong. That's not staff's problem.
Do we look like we're ignoring it? Look at all the staff and other player comments that are trying to bring you back to reality? We're not ignoring your opinion. We're showing you reason to improve your flawed opinion.
Mate I don't care about op items. I care about players leaving the server because you guys are so excited to improve others "flawed" opinions.
Valgys and R4iscool1, thanks for your responses. When you're done discussing my civility and intelligence, please post something that isn't off-topic. I'm not going to reply unless you want to discuss the server or anything from OP post.
@Dennari43 T
It does matter if it's OP.
Yes, it does. They think it's OP and I bet you won't be able to change their mind.
What I'm saying is that it's not right to ignore their opinion. I am strongly for meeting somewhere half-way. But welcoming cepheid's feedback with hostility is wrong.
@R4iscool1 Then don't bring up players are who we have to thank
As I said, you're the one bringing anger to this conversation and trying to speak about anything else but not about the prosperity of the server. If you have nothing to say but to attack me - then it's probably better to say nothing at all.
@R4iscool1 What does taking feedback peacefully even mean.
For starters – Not attacking OP on sole grounds that he brings feedback now and not when Dawn wants it.
@Blackened_Dawn For being someone who has such an opinion of themselves of "I want to help the server improve", it's odd that I only hear these concerns about the weapons given now , after no longer being staff.
Scroll up for more examples.
@R4iscool1 I appreciate the lesson in your personal economic philosophy but I'm not interested
Well then don't bring on time/money stuff in the first place.
@R4iscool1 especially when I found out who you really are.
Unfortunately, your verifier-skill just dropped to 2/10, way to go
@R4iscool1 If you are going to start trolling take it elsewhere.
Thanks but the only troll here so far is you, others seem to be looking for a way to make CM even better :)
@CraftyMyner He plays but on another account. .
Oh, lol, forgot that you guys think I'm Fluxated. I am. Let's keep it that way.
@CraftyMyner Feedback should be taken into account but should also be weighed.
While we should make an attempt to fix some of the issues outlined in this thread, we also need to think about the issues that cause players to leave only a few minutes after joining.
Can't agree more. Feedback is extremely valuable for any project. Let's hope that eventually more and more mods will learn to accept feedback peacefully and will look for the ways to satisfy as much players as possible.
@R4iscool1 You see this is the big flaw in your arguments, "Players say this", "Players say that".
I see the flaw in the way you jump in our conversation with Dennari.
@R4iscool1 Crafty is the one to thank for Craftymynes for putting incalculable amounts of time into it for free, then the staff who do similar and finally the players that make the community great.
Someday you'll be surprised to find out that its all the way round. Only customer/user/player-centric projects are successful in the long-run.
I really appreciate Crafty's and your work. I really do. But please leave all the "incalculable amounts of time" and "for free" nonsense for yourself. I personally don't care how many hours you spend and for how much money you do what you do and neither should anybody.
@R4iscool1 You keep dodging this question too if you don't play which I verified why do you care about CM being great or not ?.
10/10 verifier-skill, well played!
As for the actual answer, here:
This is exactly how much it is your business when, how and where I play.
@Valgys Um, yes... you heard about raw numbers, right?
Yes, speaking of raw numbers – lowest max players online for the past 24 month.
But I'm sure you got an excuse for that too.
@R4iscool1 Just for some more comparison here is some other vanilla server stats.
Aiming to be among the shit-tier servers? Nice.
@Dennari43 Community: They're OP
Community: They're OP!
Community: They're OP!
Community: They're OP!
Amazing how you managed to understand the situation correctly but failed to make the right conclusion.
Players are saying it's OP. It doesn't matter if it is or isn't. They don't like it. End of story. Players are the ones who make this server great, they are the ones who vote for it, they are the ones to thank for it and they are the ones to speak and be heard.
I do appreciate all the work admins do but after all this server is about the community, not the admins.
@Valgys These graphs show a stable population on the servers. But it's still lower than CM's.
You heard about percentages, right?
@R4iscool1 Trying to attribute any sort of decline solely to that is just disingenuous, if there is a decline and it's not a trend the reason is far more likely the current lag problems with vanilla
Here, entertain yourself with statistics for a couple of other pure vanilla servers and their decline due to vanilla lags.