Last active 2 years ago
Selling a block of snow for 50 beacons, msg me in-game for trade
Do the chests come stocked with supplies, or is it BYOB?
Your skin makes you look like you're grinning xD
@ViciousKangaroo What dues CP mean?
CP = combat power
@_Confederacy_ They should do away with the 10k rtp's on the edge of every path and have only one in the center of spawn like they did in 1.8
Thanks to those you can't just follow somebody out of spawn and kill them like you used too.
Even with these some players just walk past them.
I'm pretty sure that's the point. The point of tping out 10k is so that no one can follow you and kill you, at least not easily. Having that option be there for new players as well as the option to walk right past it and make their way out of spawn the old fashioned way gives them control over their CraftyMynes destiny :P
@Blackened_Dawn I would highly discourage this since... this is.. a raiding.., and griefing server....
and you joined knowing this...
Just your friendly neighborhood inubHD
@Spy21DD @Harvestar how many people are in your faction? Once it gets past 4 people the group dynamics can get tricky and traitors may start to surface.
Heh, we have more than 4 members. However, we do have our system of working together for the faction while also having our own individuality and space. If you have any questions I'd direct you to Bone and Cile again, they have the full lay of the land.