
Last active 4 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Mon Sep 23 05:40:10 2019
    otakuinalaska posted in Anime Night.

    I'd be for it, I only see one detail that may have been overlooked... copyright infringement. Also, I haven't used discord since... February-ish?

  2. Fri Sep 20 07:04:52 2019
    otakuinalaska posted in Kwolf12's ban appeal. .

    Hello, I am the mod that banned you.
    You mention in your appeal that if i need any evidence you think you could provide some. However, I don't think you have any that disproves the following:

    [22:36:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Kwolf2005> NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE
    [22:37:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Kwolf2005 left the game
    [22:37:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Cfn_Ted> lol xD
    [22:37:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Kwolf2005 joined the game
    [22:37:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Cfn_Ted> 1 heart
    [22:37:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Kwolf2005> i got kicked for using caps lol
    [22:37:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <LunarSquirrel> the advantage of dogs is that they learn after the first time.
    [22:37:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <[Mod] otakuinalaska> yeah, please stop
    [22:37:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Kwolf2005> BEEF

    [2019-09-20 06:38:25] [Info]: User: otakuinalaska Action: Ban Player: Kwolf2005 Reason: Disrespecting staff - you got kicked twice for it You may appeal at: https://forums.craftymynes.com/
    [2019-09-20 06:37:03] [Info]: User: otakuinalaska Action: Kick Player: Kwolf2005 Reason: Chat Violation: (Caps/Spam)
    [2019-09-20 06:26:25] [Info]: User: otakuinalaska Action: Kick Player: Kwolf2005 Reason: Chat Violation: (Caps/Spam)

    Perhaps next time staff requests you to stop doing something, you'll listen. You will be pardoned in 24 hrs. Until then, i suggest you read our rules, and learn to abide by them.


  3. Thu Sep 5 23:18:33 2019
    otakuinalaska posted in Spam in chat.

    Thank you for your imput PenguinRogue, I believe it got handled, but obviously if it begins again, let us know if staff isn't online. And i believe we retrieved logs already too.

  4. Sat Aug 17 20:02:23 2019
    otakuinalaska posted in pls unban.

    I am the Mod that banned you.
    If you had read the rules which I am presuming you did not, they state among other things, that using x-ray specifically is not allowed. We do not allow people who use cheats/hacks on our server.
    I wish you well on another server, and hope you abide by their rules as this ban is permanent and irrevocable for your actions.
    Appeal denied.

  5. Tue Aug 13 22:32:55 2019
    otakuinalaska posted in Ban Appeal.

    I am the Mod that banned you. Let me start by quoting from our rules:

    Any form of cheating will not be tolerated - This means anything that gives you an unfair advantage over players who are playing the game the way the game was intended to be played. This includes but is not limited to: non-approved clients (hacked clients, minimaps), abusing in-game glitchs (duping, 0-tick farms, x-ray, breaking bedrock) and xray texture packs.

    I understand that you claim to have been only getting some coal and diamonds. However, I have never seen someone so psychic as to be able to walk or run a path, come to a dead stop, turn and mine diamonds 3-6 walls deep, 3-4 levels up or down. You were witnessed doing this several times only where there were diamonds. It's not coincidence.
    The offense you have committed comes with a lifetime ban as punishment.
    I wish you well on another server, however this appeal is irrevocably denied.

  6. Sat Aug 10 02:25:53 2019
    otakuinalaska posted in Breckin37's Ban Appeal.

    I am the mod that banned you. Upon research, we have found no evidence of this "sparke effect" of diamonds, especially at that distance.

    "Any form of cheating will not be tolerated - This means anything that gives you an unfair advantage over players who are playing the game the way the game was intended to be played. This includes but is not limited to: non-approved clients (hacked clients, minimaps), abusing in-game glitchs (duping, 0-tick farms, x-ray, breaking bedrock) and xray texture packs." - quote taken directly from our Rules

    This obviously HAS given you an unfair advantage and you chose to use it regardless.
    This appeal is Denied, and this case is now closed.

    We do wish you well on another server.


  7. Sat Aug 10 01:12:56 2019
    otakuinalaska posted in HappyGoFrankie.

    Hello, I am the mod that banned you.
    Please read our rules and abide by them.
    You will be pardoned immediately and may join us at any time.


  8. Tue Aug 6 07:17:29 2019
    otakuinalaska posted in The King Himself....

    We'll have to start calling you J "Paparazzi" Slone. Great shots

  9. Sun Aug 4 10:57:46 2019
    otakuinalaska posted in Base Pics !!.


    Humble beginnings for a humble life

  10. Thu Aug 1 13:58:26 2019
    otakuinalaska posted in Base Pics !!.

    Anyone else get vertigo just looking at the 2 pics above?!

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