Last active 8 months ago
Thanks for letting us know, Crafty is workin on now :)
That looks absolutely stunning. Wish I could build that well.
I'm a tad busy rn, but I could definitely get you the spruce leaves. It would probably be sometime next week since I have finals, but I can do it for some gunpowder.
This can be easily doctored, there is nothing we can do to verify whether he did it or not. If you find any other proof, please send it to us. For now though please destroy the sign. Thank you - Jace
You’ve been pardoned. Welcome back.
Hi, I'm the moderator that banned you. I was very sad to see the language being used in the player report when I opened it. Since you've had past chat violations I decided to go ahead and ban right away. I understand after our brief chat, that since you don't live in the US, you weren't familiar with the more common meaning of the word. While this isn't an excuse for your actions, I do understand it wasn't your intention to break the rules. I'm very glad to see that you are very sincere with your appeal and you do feel sorry. So since you have expressed your sincere apologies, I've decided to go easy on the ban and make it a day from the ban which was at 4:15 my time. We'll see ya soon.
If you really care about coming back to the server, you will take your appeal process more seriously. Until then you will remain banned.
Please use the correct format. Appeal Format Link
@humfrydog best of luck on the surgery.
No they’re trolling you. The world border is 200k. I’d recommended somewhere between 80k and 150k blocks out. If you want to make absolute sure you don’t get found, build underground in conjunction with building that far out. I always try to challenge myself and build a fully sustainable underground base.