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CraftyMynes Owner AMA

  1. 8 years ago

    @ardoasms what was the biggest "aha" moment you had where something just clicked for you in doing your command block coding for craftymynes

    I was lying in bed attempting to go to sleep when I came up with the idea to make a system that could protect any area I wanted with any sort of selection (dx,r,tag) basically allowing spawn protection anywhere, or even making plots. I got up and spent the night working on it. I have a lot more "aha" moments when it comes to real coding, as far as the command blocks of this server are concerned, they are not super complicated.

    @ardoasms have you ever accidentally included a typo in one of the messages/books you can call upon from command block magic via chat or button

    All the time, a few days ago I was attempting to add a ServerPlz message for CraftyCrates and it took me like 5 tries.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys
    1. Who is the oldest active player (non-staff) you can think of at this moment. By length of time on being CM?
    2. Same as #1, but by age?
    3. Ever plan to get formal education on IT/programming?
    4. What are your two top used programming languages outside of Minecraft?
    5. You ever plan to expand your IT/coding skills outside minecraft?
    6. Is there a CM staff/player you think comes closest to your skill set when it comes to coding/mc server management?
  3. Edited 8 years ago by CraftyMyner

    @Valgys Who is the oldest active player (non-staff) you can think of at this moment. By length of time on being CM?

    I think ardoasms has been here for a while.

    @Valgys Same as #1, but by age?

    We have had some pretty mature staff, however, I don't want to drop any age's/names, I will let them say it for themselfs.

    @Valgys Ever plan to get formal education on IT/programming?

    In this day and age, I feel that it's no longer the course's or education you take that gets you a job, it's what you have done and where you can go. The server is a good example, there is a lot more to it then just a minecraft server. I have Management/Staff experience, I work with databases, php, css, js, mysql, mongoDB, java, bootstrap, xojo, dedicated servers, networking, linux, system scaling, backup systems, management of other minecraft servers and so much more. Having a "Bachelor's in Computer Science" sounds pretty good, but "Owner of #1 Vanilla Minecraft Server" also sounds pretty good. I don't really like sitting in school as it just goes to slow for me because of the way I learned. When you get a degree, they cover theory and pretty much everything under the sun, even though you may never need some parts of it, a kind of "You may need this in the future" teaching. For me this doesnt work, when I need something I go get it, or I use my problem solving skills to figure it out as I go. I find this to be a much better use of my limited time, as well as much more rewarding/interesting.

    @Valgys What are your two top used programming languages outside of Minecraft?

    I use Xojo for most of my cross platform development needs, and the web stack (html,css,js) for large scale websites (like this forum). Also I do like RegEx quite a bit.

    @Valgys You ever plan to expand your IT/coding skills outside minecraft?

    I use my programming skills to make programs for myself and others to organize and manage stuff. I also share the panel that runs our server with a few other servers. With my current job (Boat Mechanic) my IT knowledge comes in handy when we get and electrical or system issue.

    @Valgys Is there a CM staff/player you think comes closest to your skill set when it comes to coding/mc server management?

    I had a staff that I though was close enough to let them help manage the website with me, I gave them access to the backend of the website and they completely took advantage of me. Azrad (rip) is very good at what he does, but I don't think he would ever think of running a server with players.

  4. @Cileklim One of the server facts says that 224 players got banned in May 9, 2015. Is that the number of total players banned? If not so, what happened that day?

    On May 9th , an attempt to get Crafty's paypal happened, by a hacker that found Crafty's email password. Due to Google chrome's autofill options, the hacker was able to find the server, delete all of our backups, banned everyone on the server, including Crafty and a few administrators. Crafty was able to fix it within 5-7 hours, since he found a backup that was 2 weeks old. As a result of this, though, we had to re-ban every account that we had banned in the 2 weeks prior, hence totalling 224 bans that day.

  5. Y'all said someone got banned for using a mod to get the server map. What if someone managed to map the entire server using the in-game maps?

    (Wouldn't take forever, if you mapped 10,000 blocks a day you would have the whole server mapped in 40 days)

  6. @_Confederacy_ good luck...

    The server is 200,000 by 200,000. Giving the rather big area of 40 billion blocks.
    Mapping at 10k blocks a day would take 4 million days, or just under 11,000 years, sounds fun

    On the plus side you could actually map much more than 10k blocks a day. Some rough calculations show that if you had the fastest, flashiest horse in the world ever, you could probably map the whole server in just under 200 days, assuming you didn't die of sleep deprivation, brain rot, or stinkyness from not washing.

    Better get going!

  7. @NutjobBob @_Confederacy_ good luck...

    The server is 200,000 by 200,000. Giving the rather big area of 40 billion blocks.
    Mapping at 10k blocks a day would take 4 million days, or just under 11,000 years, sounds fun

    On the plus side you could actually map much more than 10k blocks a day. Some rough calculations show that if you had the fastest, flashiest horse in the world ever, you could probably map the whole server in just under 200 days, assuming you didn't die of sleep deprivation, brain rot, or stinkyness from not washing.

    Better get going!

    If you did it with a few other people you could get it done quicker haha

  8. @NutjobBob @_Confederacy_ good luck...

    The server is 200,000 by 200,000. Giving the rather big area of 40 billion blocks.
    Mapping at 10k blocks a day would take 4 million days, or just under 11,000 years, sounds fun

    On the plus side you could actually map much more than 10k blocks a day. Some rough calculations show that if you had the fastest, flashiest horse in the world ever, you could probably map the whole server in just under 200 days, assuming you didn't die of sleep deprivation, brain rot, or stinkyness from not washing.

    Better get going!

    Oh, I kept thinking it was 400k blocks not 40 billion :/ I'm stupid

  9. What times are you most active? I rarely ever see you or some of the staff on during what wpuld be my nighttime.

  10. @TheBosmerFalcon What times are you most active? I rarely ever see you or some of the staff on during what wpuld be my nighttime.

    I am on the forum like 24/7, I check the server when I wake up, about 5am PST and at my breaks and lunch, if I'm not too tired when I get home from work (6-7pm PST) then I get on the server and teamspeak until I pass out.

  11. Is there a player that hasn't applied for a staff and been accepted that has been here from the beginnings of the server and is still active?

  12. @_Confederacy_ Is there a player that hasn't applied for a staff and been accepted that has been here from the beginnings of the server and is still active?


  13. @_Confederacy_ Is there a player that hasn't applied for a staff and been accepted that has been here from the beginnings of the server and is still active?

    @Blackened_Dawn @ardoasms

    correction: applied twice, once back in 1.8, again a lil after 1.9 launched

  14. 7 years ago

    @JustJams How long did it take you, approximately to get the first version of craftymynes out?

    2 days but it was a complete mess, I took a few more days to fix some of the issues and released again. I am always working on it, there is no "versions".

    @JustJams Is there any old players you wish would come back and play?

    There is quite a few players that spent a lot of time on teamspeak that I wish could come back.

    @JustJams Why are the donation ranks named 'VIP' and 'VIP+', Why not something custom like 'CraftyKing' and 'CraftyKing+'?

    It was the first thing I did, its easy to say, easy to write places (like chat, progames, and signs) and it's very self explaintory. I might change it at some point, like I did with CraftyCoins -> CraftyCredit.

  15. @Chilled__Chaos 1. What was the longest downtime the server has had at once, how long and why was the cause (This answer could actually vary since, you know there's a problem right now.

    I think the longest downtime was when our previous provider's network took a shit and we were down for like 4 days.

    @Chilled__Chaos 2. Is Crafty the only one fixing the problem right now because you guys are talking like it.

    It's kinda all my fault regarding the rollback's and stuff and I'm the only one who can and is fixing it. "We" (the staff of CraftyMynes) refer to each other as "we".

    @Chilled__Chaos 3. I would just like to say, CraftyMyner, thank you so much for doing all this for the sake of the server. This must be some very frustrating and tiresome work. Don't forget to at least have a very short break so your back doesn't get all numb. And also thanks to all the staff aswell. Good Luck on fixing the server! :)

    Thanks! It was very stressful not being able to do anything as I was only on my phone when this was all happening (using ssh from your phone is not easy, especially when you don't have data). When I got home, most of the time was waiting for the map to transfer from the backup server to the main server.

  16. Edited 7 years ago by 2Chill

    Well because most of our conversations are usually about the server and things of that nature for hours , i figure this is a good place to ask some simple questions off topic from the norm .

    What is the biggest fish you have caught ?
    Did you keep it and eat it ?

  17. What was the longest time you had to wait for food in a restaurant? Mine was 2 hours.

  18. So wait, do all admins have to give a yes when accepting helpers?
    What conditions must be met for a helper to go to mod, mod to admin?
    Mind posting an updated selfie on the selfie thread?
    What is least favorite block in minecraft?
    What made you want to be a boat mechanic?
    How much training do you need to be a boat mechanic?
    Who is oldest {in time on the server} active player?

  19. @gilbertboys
    Crafty, do you ever plan a purpose for the radio tower?
    Have any server rules changed since the servers creation?
    Who were the original admins that came along with the creation of the server?
    Azrad, Baron, Grant and I.
    What ever happened to building benjimin?
    {Besides command blocks} What is your favorite block in minecraft?
    So wait, do all admins have to give a yes when accepting helpers?
    What conditions must be met for a helper to go to mod, mod to admin?
    What made you want to be a boat mechanic?
    College money
    How much training do you need to be a boat mechanic?
    Google it
    Who is oldest {in time on the server} active player?
    Will the VIP+ pvp arena ever be constructed? What will it be like?
    Do you ever plan on making a mechanism to make sure non VIP´s can get to the VIP lounge? or to the VIP+ lounge?

  20. how many hours a week do you work on server related things example , server itself , panel ?

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