Just a little thank you to the staff and some players! <3

  1. 8 years ago

    I know a "thank you" post has been done a bunch of times before but this time I wanted to make this a tiny bit personal. Lately I've come to terms of who I want to be and how I'm going to play it out and a little thank you goes to order for some people. (Will be listed in a little bit) Now, I have been criticized by a few people on here because of my identity and most of them have been dealt with but I wanted to say that I love each and every one of you that's helped me through the rough times, making my smile just a little wider each day that I get encouragement. Now to name some people that I want to thank (Hopefully they see this) @CraftyMyner @rnc2011 @iclutchHD @Nysic @ryleeraee @mightymyntz @Pimpcy @BoneChi11er @Cileklim @Jackieinabox @Eberk91 @FlashFood @Slattern and sooooo many more. Thank you all once again, I'mma sign off.

    Much love to you all,

    MasaruCyri aka Cyrilla.

  2. This is cute! May I ask about this identity?

  3. No, thank you @MasaruCyri it is players like you that makes this server great :)

  4. Thanks, I really appreciate it @MasaruCyri!

  5. Edited 8 years ago by Mayorga

    @FishW No, thank you @MasaruCyri it is players like you that makes this server great :)

    ^ :D

  6. <33

  7. Thanks so much @MasaruCyri . <3

  8. z1o31o1

    26 May 2016 Suspended

    wow dude my name isn't even on there, I thought we were friends bro

  9. Keep the negativity to yourself Noob

  10. @Eberk91 Now now, no need to start drama. @z1o31o1 I said "soooooooo many more" for a reason bro.

  11. tsu

    26 May 2016 Suspended

    iwarriiori is a true bro

  12. You're welcome :)

  13. I feel warm and fuzzy inside... I don't like it...#jk

  14. We try to look after everyone on the server and it makes me happy to know that you get enjoyment and support from playing here :)

  15. [deleted]

    27 May 2016
    Deleted 3 years ago by CraftyMyner
  16. thanks honey

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