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  2. 7 years ago

    Oh I bet y'all would love a full map reset every one month.

    It seems y'all like them resets, some don't. So let's not do a reset anytime soon.

    It became boring to start all over again lol.

  3. I think a reset would be required in 1.13 regardless, because of the commands being updated

  4. @CraftyMyner A progressive increase is world size would probably piss people off


    You did not address any of this , how about a decrease , next time a reset rolls around , might be a nice change and worth a try

    "Hm , for a player base the size as craftymynes i think 25-30k would be better than 6k or 1k , people could still build then but with more risk and more chance for the pvpers and griefers .
    Also , i think with a smaller world , technically wouldn't that mean less lag also , or would it not matter does it only consider loaded chunks ? i am guessing not since it still seems to be able to count all enitys even if not loaded , i.e squids etc ?"

    anything under 50k or below would be interesting change

  5. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    @2Chill @CraftyMyner

    You did not address any of this , how about a decrease , next time a reset rolls around , might be a nice change and worth a try

    "Hm , for a player base the size as craftymynes i think 25-30k would be better than 6k or 1k , people could still build then but with more risk and more chance for the pvpers and griefers .
    Also , i think with a smaller world , technically wouldn't that mean less lag also , or would it not matter does it only consider loaded chunks ? i am guessing not since it still seems to be able to count all enitys even if not loaded , i.e squids etc ?"

    anything under 50k or below would be interesting change

    I think reducing the size would be a bad idea, craftymynes is not a solely grief/raid server, plenty of players in fact I'd say most of the regular playerbase just want to build and be part of the community, decreasing the size of the map which makes it harder to do so would he a bad idea. Sure Map size would be reduced but it wouldn't have an affect on lag anymore than there is less chunks being generated.

    Doing the maths as well would show that players would constantly be running into each other at 30k, consider the average player Base which can be said to encompass 100 square blocks though many far exceed that, within a 90k area there can only be 450 of the 200 block squared patches for building. That's less than our player Base.

    I don't see ant reason to sacrifice some of the community nature to make it more risky and therefore more fun to a small minority of the playerbase.

  6. @Scrappy_Dont I played on a server once where the map was beloved by so many people it was polled and they made it so that the map generated new chunks procedurally by a set amount including the new content. (This was when emerald ore was introduced)

    What did they do with the old chunks?
    We did a partial reset already and generating new chunks without people actually load them would bloat map size.

  7. @GrandpaCarl00 Finally someone brought this topic up

    The issue isn't limited to mansions or villages. It's been affecting all generated structures, I've found a tempe one time that had guardians but no temple or elder guardians ( i've posted it on the fourms if you don't believe me. ) Jungles temples with no chests, and many unraided end cities with some missing chests where chests should've been.

    This is the partial reason while I've been waiting out to rejoin until a reset occur, but the more important part is simply because I feel like the economy has gotten steadily worse over time. for example, gunpowder being in much more demand than stock, totems being nearly impossible to find naturally, personal opinion, but with also elytras and shulkers notably decreasing in value.

    thought the 100% reaosn on my economy doubts, on the topic of totems; they're just going to be simply to become more rarer then they already are as the player held-totems and lack of mansions are going to decrease the amount of totems until the ones left are the people with totems who aren't willing to sell em'. the only way totems are going to fixed is if mods decide to influence the economy (which likely wont happen) or if people begin to secretly dupe them and disturb them and when the dupers are found out, become banned. it's a loose-loose situtation for totems until a evental reset occurs.

    Also unrelated, but I have a theory how many totems are exist in the world, I had raided 6 mansions on foot before the partial reset, and around the late 500' mark in maps was when I started getting maps that went pass 100k, so in theory, there should be around 560-600 mansions and totem wise, depending on the amount of evokers/totems, there should be 2-6 times by the amount of mansions in the world

    Ender cities and jungle temples without chests are to do with player actions, like someone getting there before you. The partial reset didn't affect loot chests.
    I don't think what you are describing constitutes as a serious issues either the majority of players don't care..

    Gunpowder being much more in demands is natural, resetting isn't going to change that. The natural decrease in value of elytras occured within the first month of play, I know myself from selling them for 50Db to 5.
    The only thing that has really been affected is totems but they are rare items anyway, they arent supposed to be accessed by the majority of the player Base and there will always be a small limited number within the border and therefore a limited number in the economy. Resetting would just lead to them all being discovered in a few weeks and the same situation, it's not a sign of a broken economy.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by GrandpaCarl00


    I don't have screenshots on hand, but there's defeintally jungle temples that exist without any loot chest; I highly, highly doubt it's going to be an immense confidence everytime, I know one of them was just a tad abit away from a completely untouched village, and 9/10 times there's going to either be a raided smith chest or bookshelves taken from the library.

    There was also a fairly close proximity to my base before it got raided; I doubt it'd just be coincidence some was just basing nearby and stumbled upon it; especially if it's a temple where nothing has been touched ( for example, the secret piston door system. that's going to require touching eitherway if someone doesn't know lever combination and heads straight to breaking the cobble, and most times when people go on raiding desert temples and what not, again, 9/10 it's not going look how it did in whatever shape or form before it got pre-raided. The partial reset did clear some entities; similar to villages and some unraided dungeons. But hey, sure, not everyone is going to care about these things but when you're a guy like me you're going to take note of small stuff that other people may have similar opinions about. ( People just don't talk about stuff like jungle temples)

    But I don't think you're grabbing on to what I'm saying; I'm saying that from the current stance of things economy wise and other things is that I believe things are going to become progressively worse as months go on; a long term thing that gradually takes affect as time goes on; and with less and less of whatever the leads to some people in the community getting upset, which then spreads onto more people. it's a domino effect.

    Despite my radical claims and presented evidence by others, this is my hypothesis in what I'm believing that's bound to happen eventually somewhere down the road.

  9. @GrandpaCarl00 @R4iscool1 i have ran into many end city unraided and the chest was missing loot there on the ground where the chest is also see temples unraided split in half also half city @TacoJesus posted a few pictures of this on forum or discord a while ago

  10. ^^^^^^^^^

    That's partially what I was referring too

  11. Edited 7 years ago by javonjw

    @GrandpaCarl00 i understand what you are saying i have ran into over 50+ citys temples and mansions that are messed up it is starting to upset me thats why i have stopped playing as much and i love this server. A map reset might not be the answer but there is something that should be done

  12. @javonjw aye, i've been awaiting a reset for quite sometime which is partially the reason why i got raided by a special someone. ( :') ) And also due to my lack of decreasing care + plus my desire for a new fair start, but with the progression of the playerbase and economy that'd be pretty darn difficult to pull off to get back to a previous stance.

    but then again, i'm really lazy to genuinely do things and that's pretty much the reason why all my stuff stayed out in the open for 7 or so months

  13. @GrandpaCarl00 @R4iscool1

    I don't have screenshots on hand, but there's defeintally jungle temples that exist without any loot chest; I highly, highly doubt it's going to be an immense confidence everytime, I know one of them was just a tad abit away from a completely untouched village, and 9/10 times there's going to either be a raided smith chest or bookshelves taken from the library.

    There was also a fairly close proximity to my base before it got raided; I doubt it'd just be coincidence some was just basing nearby and stumbled upon it; especially if it's a temple where nothing has been touched ( for example, the secret piston door system. that's going to require touching eitherway if someone doesn't know lever combination and heads straight to breaking the cobble, and most times when people go on raiding desert temples and what not, again, 9/10 it's not going look how it did in whatever shape or form before it got pre-raided. The partial reset did clear some entities; similar to villages and some unraided dungeons. But hey, sure, not everyone is going to care about these things but when you're a guy like me you're going to take note of small stuff that other people may have similar opinions about. ( People just don't talk about stuff like jungle temples)

    But I don't think you're grabbing on to what I'm saying; I'm saying that from the current stance of things economy wise and other things is that I believe things are going to become progressively worse as months go on; a long term thing that gradually takes affect as time goes on; and with less and less of whatever the leads to some people in the community getting upset, which then spreads onto more people. it's a domino effect.

    Despite my radical claims and presented evidence by others, this is my hypothesis in what I'm believing that's bound to happen eventually somewhere down the road.

    We didn't touch the end with the partial reset AFAIK, so I can't see how your claims about the end cities could be true on he wide scale unless it's some mojang bug I'm unaware of, in such case a reset would not solve it.

    Yes I know you are saying that the economy will go further downhill but what I'm saying is your claim has no evidence or basis. Totems aren't an essential part of the economy they are a low volume rare items that is traded, we aren't going to reset every 4 months just because people can't get their hands on totems.
    What evidence do you use support the claim the economy is failing? What are the signs of this other than gunpowder, totems and elytra since as explained by me that isn't the case.

  14. @javonjw @GrandpaCarl00 @R4iscool1 i have ran into many end city unraided and the chest was missing loot there on the ground where the chest is also see temples unraided split in half also half city @TacoJesus posted a few pictures of this on forum or discord a while ago

    Chunk generation issues will always occur, a reset won't fix that issue.

    What's likely happening with end cities is someone has flown there already and just taken the chests, I see it all the time.

  15. @GrandpaCarl00 @javonjw aye, i've been awaiting a reset for quite sometime which is partially the reason why i got raided by a special someone. ( :') ) And also due to my lack of decreasing care + plus my desire for a new fair start, but with the progression of the playerbase and economy that'd be pretty darn difficult to pull off to get back to a previous stance.

    but then again, i'm really lazy to genuinely do things and that's pretty much the reason why all my stuff stayed out in the open for 7 or so months

    It's quite easy to get back into the economy at the moment, it's not hard to mine diamonds or trade with villagers to get emeralds for trading. Sure it might be a hit easier for you and small number of players if we reset but you'd still need to do the work and it's not fair on the majority of players who already have.

  16. Resetting would kill my motivation personally it feels too early to just swipe it out. They had that chance back in the 1.12 update and they did it partially
    Might end up losing or jabbing at loyal players who were against it last time too it's supposed to be rare for a reason or it's supposed to be saved for a huge update when it's necessary. I wouldn't reset it specifically for the temples and cities case.

  17. Ultimately it's harmful and unfair to just reset for the sake of a small number of users who wish to explore temples and mansions. Especially since the problem would reoccur in a couple of months again, a small minority should not dictate the servers direction I'm.
    The majority of players want to keep their builds and should be allowed too, unless there is serious reasons we need to reset.

  18. Is there such thing as a "soft" reset? Such as resetting chunks back to their natural format (basically for the sole purpose of replenishing dungeons/temples/mansions/etc)? Making sure there are no substantial player buildings of course. Probably too much work but just an idea

  19. @Scrappy_Dont Is there such thing as a "soft" reset? Such as resetting chunks back to their natural format (basically for the sole purpose of replenishing dungeons/temples/mansions/etc)? Making sure there are no substantial player buildings of course. Probably too much work but just an idea

    That was the intention of the partial reset unfortunately it didn't all work out as planned.

  20. Edited 7 years ago by NutjobBob

    @R4iscool1 We didn't touch the end with the partial reset AFAIK, so I can't see how your claims about the end cities could be true on he wide scale unless it's some mojang bug I'm unaware of, in such case a reset would not solve it.

    End dungeon chests spawn destroyed, items on the ground

    Also same bug I posted about yesterday when I suggested the fix for the woodland mansions not spawning effects end cities. If only some of the chunks the end city is are generated and then unloaded parts of the end city that are supposed to be in the chunks that weren't generated don't appear when those chunks do get generated.

  21. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    Interesting so it seems there is a whole host of issues with generation at the moment, I assumed that it was one bug that only affect Mansions. Rather disappointing but not surprising coming from Mojang.
    It definitely makes it rather pointless to reset if we will be beset by the exact same bugs.

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