MrHesitka's appeal

  1. 2 months ago

    Ingame name: MrHestika

    Reason of ban: Xray,

    I am so terribly sorry for x-raying, I made a mistake, no excuses, but only thing I can say is how I will not do it again, I understand how xray is a huge advantage for the player using it, and can make other players feel like they are slower than usual. I am very sorry for doing this, I would love to rejoin this server, I know I said no excuses, but the reason I did xray is because I kept losing my stuff to lava, and I lost like 5 sets of diamond armor, then I got mad and started xraying so I could avoid lava and get my stuff back quickly. I am so, sorry about this and I guarantee I will NOT do it again, I really like this server, please let me back in. I understand this server is a privilege, and I will never violate that again. Please pardon me, Thank you.

    Sincecerely, Mrhestika. :D

  2. Hello,

    I appreciate the apology but we don't allow cheating of any kind here, good luck on other servers.

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