Ban Appeal Ackoli2

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Ackoli12

    Reason for my ban - I went into a rage at another player (multiple times), And Sweared excessively. I now Know that that event will not happen again, Due to new TPA rules (thanks, staff!), And I Now apologise for my behaviour. reason for my unbanning - I am now fully aware of the rules, and agree to comply with them. I apologise for my behaviour. Craftymynes was my favourite server and infinitely preferable to single player minecraft for me. I created a small community with around 4 other players on your server, and I would really want to get back into your excellent server. in case you need to know, my username is Ackoli2. And please please please don't give me a permanent ban!

  2. Hi! I was the moderator that banned you! Thank you for the apology and for your continued interest in CraftyMynes. I know that sometimes it is easy to get frustrated, but I ask that in the future you take care to vent in a way that does not violate the rules. You will be unbanned tomorrow. Thank you for the appeal and I look forward to playing with you again on CraftyMynes!


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