miilzi's ban appeal [EDITED]

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by miilzi

    In Game Name: miilzi

    Reason for your ban: Got banned for "spamming" chat by laughing and talking in another languege.

    Why should you be unbanned: I'm sorry that i spammed and talked in another languege i just thought the server was in israel and i didn't know any better, please forgive me for spamming and appeal my ban c:

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Nysic

    Follow the correct ban appeal format and your friend will need to make a separate appeal.

    Only the account you appeal on will be unbanned on successful appeal.


  3. Thank you for using the correct format, you will be unbanned in 3 days time.

    During this time please read up on our rules located here on the website, especially those concerning chat etiquette.


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