mjmonkeybear1's Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by mjmonkeybear1

    mjmonkeybear1's ban appeal

    In game name: mjmonkeybear1

    Reason of ban: "Xraying with TheManOfMuffins7"

    Why I should be unbanned:
    The reason I was banned was because I was mining with "TheManOfMuffins7" as he was using an Xray. I had absolutely no idea he was using an Xray to find ores. If you saw me say I know the sweet spot for diamonds, that's because I know diamonds most common elevation / Y coordinate range. "TheManOfMuffins7" disobeyed the rules and should not be allowed back into craftymynes. I think craftymynes is a great server and I would never disobey the rules unless I had no idea I was doing so. I don't think that I deserved to be banned since I had no intention to cheat. Could you please repeal my ban?

  2. Upon further inspection, you have been pardoned.

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