Zjari's Ban Appeal

  1. 9 years ago

    In Game Name: Zjari

    Reason of the appeal: I just got back into Minecraft, a friend suggested this server but when I tried to connect it said I'm banned for Speed, Nofall and Tracers(?).
    I've never visited this server before, and I haven't played in some time nor have I ever used anything but the vanilla client with shaders and Optifine.

    This server looks really fun and I've been looking for a good vanilla experience for a bit, if you could look into this and find out why my name is in your ban list it'd be much appreciated! :)

  2. Hi. We looked and found this.

    2/15/2015 0:34:59 Zjari BaronBattleBread Speed; Nofall; tracers Forever

    that means i was the operator who banned you. Speed and nofall are easy spots, but the comment of Tracers means that we stayed and checked, and double checked. that was a year ago, as you can see by the time stamp.

  3. It also means this appeal is denied, as you could probably guess from the "forever" tag.

  4. I've just remembered...when I stopped playing quite awhile ago I let my little brother have my account details, I think it's been about a year since he's had any access though, I changed my authentication credentials after I purchased him a separate copy of the game.

    It is possible that he's done something illegal on here without my knowledge since he still lives with his parents in a different state :P

    I understand though, this server looked fun but I'll find somewhere else to play, thanks for looking into it!

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