1. 7 years ago

    Just wanted to thank all of the people who contributed their hard work and bases in the creation of this terribly ugly wall. It took us a long time to raid and steal all these materials, and I'm sure it took you all even longer to get them for us. ggez.


  2. What does it protect/keep out/keep in?

  3. nothing!

  4. XD

  5. Then take the bitch down.

  6. That would take ages lol

  7. Well good luck to you i cant do it lol

  8. It's a nice wall, Pretty high as well.

  9. @ClingyTable nothing!

    Lol i love it so much!!!!!

  10. This had me actually laughing for about ten minutes xD

  11. I don't know what to put here

  12. Y'all should make the wall stretch around the 1k border of spawn, it would be fun and have a direct effect on your patience imao :)

  13. @_Confederacy_ Y'all should make the wall stretch around the 1k border of spawn, it would be fun and have a direct effect on your patience imao :)

    I think someone made this a couple weeks ago and they job got deleted. Wasn't it?

  14. @bSan420 I think someone made this a couple weeks ago and they job got deleted. Wasn't it?

    netherrack Wall of Doom? lol yeah long story

  15. @Cileklim netherrack Wall of Doom? lol yeah long story


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