LeManolo55's Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago

    In Game Name: LeManolo55

    Reason for your ban: "Hack"

    Why should you be unbanned: I don't use hack, my accout was hacked since so long. I spend days trying to retrive my accout back and now I finally get it but when I try to enter in some servers there is a lot of "Hack bans" (I stay more than years without play minecraft so maybe the guy who hack my accout use it to test hacks or something like that.) I am really sorry about that but was not me.
    Idk when my accout get banned too, I don't have too much informations about it.

    Thank you.

  2. Your account is your own responsibility, and unfortunately we don't know if this statement is true or not.

    This ban appeal has been refused.

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