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  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Nysic

    Hello, I'd like to report two admins; PapaNeon as well as his companion (whom's name I forget). I was recently unbanned for subpar chat etiquette as well as "trolling". I log onto CraftyMynes after waiting for my 3-day ban to be lifted and I'm on the server for literally less than ten minutes and I've been banned already.

    The reason for my ban was supposed "Advertising & Trolling". I will also be filing a ban appeal for this unjust ban. The reason I got the "Advertising" added to my sentence was I said this, and only this: "tfw lag on here is worse than redacted ." I didn't ask anyone to go play redacted, donate to redacted, or even talk about redacted. After this PapaNeon told me to stop mentioning other servers. And during my three days while I was banned I had the opportune time to brush up on the rules of CraftyMynes and nowhere does it say you cannot MENTION a server. It says you cannot advertise it, but it doesn't say that you cannot mention it.

    Don’t use caps, don’t spam, don’t discuss controversial, sensitive or offensive topics (e.g. sex, sexual identity or preferences, race, politics, religion, drugs, etc.), no advertising, no links, no trolling.

    As you can see clearly, there is no article in the above stating you cannot mention servers. So then I asked him why I could not mention other servers and he said because it's advertising. Note, once more I still never asked anyone to go to the server or donate to it or anything that could come off as advertising. After that, PapaNeon said I was trolling and I was very recently was banned for "this behavior" which is completely a polar opposite of what I got banned for previously as well as making a notion if I was doing anything wrong.

    It was at this point that the fellow admin (whom's name I forgot but I assume was PapaNeon's superior admin) asked for my attention and told me to "guess what". I said "No Thank you" as I already assumed that he was going to ban me because for reason x, y, and z. And after that, I was banned.

    So please, CraftyMynes staff I come back from a ban to receive another one directly for no precedented reason. Please get control over your staff before they go and randomly hand out bans as if they were candy bars. Thank you.

    Sincerely, theEmeraldFarmer

    P.S. I will also be making a ban appeal for this using most of the content used in this player report(s).

  2. The rules clearly state you are not allowed to mention other servers. It doesn't matter if you didn't tell anyone to play, donate, or check out this other server, it's still against the rules. You were banned for trolling, and talking about topics that aren't allowed here, and again, you broke the exact same rule. "And during my three days while I was banned I had the opportune time to brush up on the rules of CraftyMynes". How can you say you brushed up on the rules when the first thing you do is break the rules after getting back?