would everybody be ok with me making a trading thread?

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by PenguinMytyMJ

    I don't feel comfortable just starting one because my last attempt at something slightly like this failed so I am asking for permission and opinions.

    the way it would work is people would send me a pm or post a reply on the thread with their ign, what they want to buy/sell and the price they want to buy or sell for or could post a 'offer' or 'requesting price' or something like that

    Penguinmytymj - buying god bow - 25 diamonds or best offer


    penguinmytymj - selling leather - 1 diamond or 6 emeralds per stack , 3 stacks available

    i suck as formats so format ideas would also be appreciated if you think this is a good idea, if not i'll take this thread away too :)

    i would keep the current list at the top here so people can see it

    just trying to help

  2. I thought about doing this weeks ago, but I kinda gave up on being a trader and started mining iron again.

    I think either a thread or a category would be fine, as long as people don't spam it. We could determine people to post only items and prices but nothing else (no conversations or bargain).

    Making a post format would also be ok, to keep standards.

  3. @bSan420 I thought about doing this weeks ago, but I kinda gave up on being a trader and started mining iron again.

    I think either a thread or a category would be fine, as long as people don't spam it. We could determine people to post only items and prices but nothing else (no conversations or bargain).

    Making a post format would also be ok, to keep standards.

    that's why i would keep peoples names and active trades at the top, because we're not gonna be able to stop the chat :P

  4. @PenguinMytyMJ People can PM traders.
    Traders can just leave their posts with their prices and edit it as they feel like.

  5. We can also IP ban forever those who post on someone else's thread.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by PenguinMytyMJ

    "People can PM traders.
    Traders can just leave their posts with their prices and edit it as they feel like."

    "We can also IP ban forever those who post on someone else's thread."

    dunno about the ip thing but those both sound good too :D


  7. Don't take me too seriously

  8. Deleted 7 years ago by r4iscool1
  9. It would be great

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