Edited 8 years ago by Nysic

Thank you for toning down the capital letters, on to your appeal.

You were automatically banned from the server for spamming it.

[20:51:26] * Jonasthemonkey how much for an eff 3 pickaxe?
[20:52:03] * Jonasthemonkey how much for an eff 3 pickaxe?
[20:52:14] * Jonasthemonkey how much for an eff 3 pickaxe?
[20:52:14] You whisper to Jonasthemonkey: Please watch the spam!
[20:52:44] * Jonasthemonkey how much for an eff 3 pickaxe?
[20:52:44] You whisper to Jonasthemonkey: Please watch the spam!
[20:53:03] * Jonasthemonkey how much for an eff 3 pickaxe?
[20:53:04] Kicked Jonasthemonkey from the game: 'Caps/Spam detected, please tone it down!'
[20:53:04] Jonasthemonkey left the game
[20:53:12] Jonasthemonkey joined the game
[20:55:01] * Jonasthemonkey buying efficiency 3 pickaxe
[20:55:59] * Jonasthemonkey buying efficiency 3 pickaxe
[20:56:00] * Jonasthemonkey buying efficiency 3 pickaxe
[20:56:00] You whisper to Jonasthemonkey: Please watch the spam!
[20:56:01] * Jonasthemonkey buying efficiency 3 pickaxe
[20:56:02] Banned player Jonasthemonkey

As you can see the server issued you a number of warnings including kicking you off the server which you disregarded.

You will be unbanned in 2 days from my reply. Avoid spamming the server in the future.
