TabooWolf's ban appeal

  1. 8 years ago

    Hello all. I've always had a bit of a slight satirical inclination, but never with the intent of being mean. Today I was banned after an telling a mod that "I will ban him, cause my dad works for microsoft." An obvious joke to any normal person. This mod however took great offense to it and banned me for trolling him and calling his abuse of power. I've always thought of mods as impartial and not so easily upset by whimsical jests. This is one of the cooler actual vanilla servers I've been able to find and after about an hour of work, it's a real bummer to be banned. So for better or worse that's my tale, sorry whichever mod I hurt so bad. From the bottom of my heart I'm truly sorry.

    Ps. My dad still might ban you

  2. Ello, i'm the mod that banned you

    I'm not pardoning you until i see a few things change

    1. us the correct format
    2. You obviously don't understand that this is not a joke. Show sincerity in your appeal, and i might pardon you

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