In Game Name: Beany_Bob

Reason for your ban: "Hacking, thanks for your honesty"

Why should you be unbanned: I made my first appeal well over 24 hours ago and six other appeals have been answered in that timeframe. I am assuming that my original appeal was overlooked when it was first posted because I was joking around in my post and hadn't really thought to take it seriously at the time.

I'll explain again; what happened was that I basically "reported" myself to a moderator online after I found 2 diamond veins pretty close to each other; I said something like "can I report myself for hacking I just found 2 diamond veins" in chat, to which the moderator responded by asking me if I was really hacking. I (falsely) assumed he was joking and told him yes. I was about to make sure he knew I was joking but a moment before I could message him I was banned.

Sorry for the second thread but this is all a misunderstanding and I don't really see why I am still banned at this point. Any response would be appreciated.