Beany_Bob's Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago

    In Game Name: Beany_Bob

    Reason for your ban: "Hacking, thanks for your honesty"

    Why should you be unbanned: I made my first appeal well over 24 hours ago and six other appeals have been answered in that timeframe. I am assuming that my original appeal was overlooked when it was first posted because I was joking around in my post and hadn't really thought to take it seriously at the time.

    I'll explain again; what happened was that I basically "reported" myself to a moderator online after I found 2 diamond veins pretty close to each other; I said something like "can I report myself for hacking I just found 2 diamond veins" in chat, to which the moderator responded by asking me if I was really hacking. I (falsely) assumed he was joking and told him yes. I was about to make sure he knew I was joking but a moment before I could message him I was banned.

    Sorry for the second thread but this is all a misunderstanding and I don't really see why I am still banned at this point. Any response would be appreciated.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Nysic

    Ban appeals are only answered by the person who banned you. The staff member resposible for your ban may have been unavailable during this time. We are aware of your appeal and it'll be dealt with when the staff member responsible is free.


  3. Edited 8 years ago by Venetorem

    I have researched this issue, Now we don't take people joking about hacking lightly. In fact we ban anyone who admits to hacking on the spot. In light of your appeal and the time you have been banned for i'm going to pardon you now.

    Do not even jokingly admit to hacking in the future..


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