Scavenger Hunt!

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Dannysharks

    Scavenger Hunt

    As the post says, this is a Scavenger Hunt! Here are the prizes
    First: Vip+ for you or whoever you choose
    Second: A dragon head
    Third: 10 diamond blocks
    Pretty good right?
    Major thanks @MixMasherPvp for supplying the vip+!
    Here are the nitty gritty details

    How it will work:
    Per each round a shrine will be made at a certain location
    There will be 5 rounds of this to make it all fair and times will be decided upon before each round
    The first three people to send me the screenshot of them and the shrine will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd for that round and it'll be listed on this post
    The person who comes first the most from the 5 rounds receives first prize, the same with second and so on, i'm sure you get it
    The shrines locations will be reveled through a set of puzzles, varying is difficulty and style
    Per round I will offer a single hint if you ask me in game. Just don't expect it to be too helpful

    How to play:
    1 Solve the riddles/puzzles and whatever else needs to be solved
    2 This will give you coords or will tell you what to do. Do as it asks or go to said coords
    3 Take a selfie with the coords of the shrine you find and send it to me via a private message on the forums
    4 Wait for the next round

    The rules:
    1 Have fun
    2 Don't grief the shrines
    3 Don't post the answers on the forums for all to see until that stage is over

    Simple huh?
    Any questions feel free to message me. The game will officially start two hours from this post. The first riddle will be posted then.
    This is the first one of these i have done, so i'm unsure if it'll be any good or how easy the puzzles will be to solve
    Thanks again to @MixMasherPvp as hes helped with the shrines, the first prize and a lot of other things. Wouldnt of been possible wthout his help
    Happy hunting!

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Dannysharks

    Shrine 1

    Congrats @CovertRaw and @wblaine128 for finding the first shrine!

    Shrine 2

    To be made...

  3. Deleted 8 years ago by MixMasherPvP
  4. Np

  5. This sounds great if I can I will deffo partake so correct me if I'm wrong but it's starting in 1.5 hours , right ?

  6. Yup! Just waiting a while so that anyone playing can start at the same time

  7. Cool that gives me enough time to finish my work , probably.

  8. Caw.

  9. Riddle 1

    A shrine has been spotted for the first round
    This is all you have as to its whereabouts...

    From your birth you go against her wishes
    Whilst her brother roars in laughter,
    At the craters she creates

    Travelling to where the final sibling resides
    She, A child of the dozen,
    Watches your journey, Peaceful and reserved

    Perhaps Pandora's box was empty after all
    As you, messenger of Apollo, approach the three siblings

    You are nothing but hope

  10. Sounds like fun!

  11. is the riddle 100% minecraft or irl?

  12. is that a riddle?

  13. @Quartz_King is the riddle 100% minecraft or irl?

    Im not sure how the answer that. In the end itll give directions as to how to find the shrine in minecraft, but beyond that i didnt think of minecraft as i made it beyond the final path

  14. When does it start?

  15. Its already started.

  16. Remeber, im providing the winner with VIP+!!!

  17. Son of a pickle. Im at work :(

  18. @Captain_Mitchell Son of a pickle. Im at work :(

    Its why theres more rounds ^~^ ill be starting them at diffrent times for those in diffrent time zones and work days and stuff

  19. Why do interesting things always happened when I can't log in T^T oh well.. Good luck to those who're playing..

  20. @Laineyyz Why do interesting things always happened when I can't log in T^T oh well.. Good luck to those who're playing..

    No one has figured it out yet xD Actually if you figure out what your supposed to do from that ill count it ^-^

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