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Thread View Count Display

  1. 7 years ago

    You can now view how many views a thread has gotten:


    You can also order by views in the search bar:


    - Crafty

  2. How does this have more views than the casino thread? :•

  3. @ViciousKangaroo How does this have more views than the casino thread? :•

    I just added it, so it will only count views as of now.

  4. I like this new forum addition. Now I can see how many views a thread has.

  5. lol I'm gonna see how many views the selfie thread got

  6. Edited 7 years ago by ViciousKangaroo

    @OpticImpulse lol I'm gonna see how many views the selfie thread got

    It came out yesterday... so it will only count the views starting from when it was added