cutekids100's Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by cutekids100

    In Game Name: cutekids100

    Reason for your ban: "Hacking," probably automatic ban

    Why should you be unbanned:

    On September 24, 2016, at approximately 9:10 PM ET, I got banned for "hacking." But the only thing I did was that I used the teleporter for the hot air balloon in the casino, and I jumped from the balloon onto the roof of the PvP arena, and I jumped off the roof of the arena onto the ground. However, in the process of jumping off the PvP arena roof, it said that I was in the PvP arena and that I was supposed to "prepare to fight." When I landed on the ground, I got banned. I believe the system thought I had used some teleportation hack to teleport out of the PvP arena, but at no point was I actually in the arena. The only mod I was using was OptiFine, with a Faithful 32x32 resource pack. I can assure you that I was not using any hacks that would give me an unfair advantage over other players.

  2. Hello you were caught hacking. Unfortunately hacking is a permanent offense here. Have fun elsewhere.

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