Killcameron's Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago

    In Game Name: Killcameron

    Reason for your ban: name?

    Why should you be unbanned: why was i banned? literally no idea. Got kicked for my name, logged back in and asked a mod why i was kicked, he/she agreed there was nothing wrong with my name. Didn't get the mods name as i was then banned for my name, and missed my chance to read it. Out of the blue, hadn't been doing anything. Thanks for the help.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by CreeperLord170

    Hello I was the moderator who banned you. Your name, killcameron, might refer to killing David Cameron, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom which is political/controversial. The guy you asked is just a new player which is not a mod u mentioned. I kicked you as I received complains about your name. You were kicked 3 times with the kick message clearly telling you the reason and not to come back before you change the name. Unfortunately, you still decided to come back so I banned you for inappropriate name. Appeal denided. And sorry to hear that you have lost your email or password. Have a nice day and good luck

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