Janisdg kicked: flying not allowed.

  1. 8 years ago

    I was just kicked with the notice: Flying is not allowed on this server. I am well aware that flying is not allowed. Endereyes are not flying. Neither is walking on a single cube wide dirt bridge after I tp with ender eyes to the top of the mountain. I haven't logged back on yet cause I am not going to jail and losing all my diamond gear with mending and other enchants over something I was not even doing.

    I don't need to fly. I do use the random tp and check out others bases. Some are high up: That's what ender eyes are for and that's why I use them.

  2. The flying kick is an automatic function of vanilla Minecraft over which we have no real control.
    It is unfortunately far from perfect and often kicks people who have bad connections or occasionally when someone is using elytras or pearls.
    We never ban based on this function so you have nothing to worry about and may return to CM safely.
    Sorry of rrhhe inconvenience.

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