0v2 ban appeal

  1. 8 years ago

    IGN - 0v2

    Reason for ban - fly hacking

    reason for unban - so i did hack but what was the hacking used for??? i did fly i didnt fly to look for bases or anything... i flew hit my brothers CannotC and Cv0. they didnt get annoyed at me they tried hitting me back and laughing and we were all just having fun. 1 of my brother Cv0 was banned for flying but he didnt fly it was me. also flying was the only thing i did and nothing was used for an unfair advantage if whoever staff is reading this please have an open mind about this situation so basically i hacked, i basically did nothing with a client and so i got banned. thanks staff.

    Off topic - i changed my name to 0v2 and my forums name is Totallytutu (old IGN) how do i change it?

    many thanks


  2. Your ban was already denied. Best of luck on other servers.

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