Edited 7 years ago by CraftyMyner

You guys asked for it, I made it happen.

I spent the last few days improving upon all my previous tp systems, this version is many times better then anything I have made before. The ease of use, speed, and reliability is very good.

To use it,

Click the link to list ID's on the 3rd page of the book:


Then, click the link to pre-type out trigger for you:


Finally, type the ID of the player you want to TP to in the chat box:


If the other player accepts, you will be teleport in seconds!

If you have any questions, just ask me and get back to you as soon as possible!


./triggers also exist for the TPA, but be careful what you type.

To list players type "/trigger TPA set -1"
To tp to a player type "/trigger TPA set <Their ID>"
To accept a tpa type "/trigger TPA set -2"
To decline a tpa type "/trigger TPA set -3"