@tsu Why can nobody come at me with insults from an in game stand point..? This is why the minecraft community is just messed up as a whole lol. COD community everyone's insults are in game based about their skill level, play style etc. Minecraft you have people that are total randos throwing insults at you about things outside of the game. I love trash talk! But the type of trash talk you use and other people like you use (mainly not very skilled players) I think is terrible and honestly pointless. Young man all I have to say is get good at the game. #noob #yourfarmswerebad @sovietsuperman

I think making connotations between COD and minecraft is king of a tangent. COD is a game based around violence, winning and stats (Like the most kills one can achieve). It's games are also not regulated allowing virtually anyone who has the game to play and do whatever they please.

Minecraft is much different. To some its a building simulator, To others its about exploration. A select few care about their stats. In CraftyMynes in particular, Anyone who is hugely disrespectful to another is kicked and maybe even banned. There are no hackers. There are active and helpful staff. The players are friendly and you won't have someone yelling at you about how they did things to your family members because they will likely have been kicked long before it.