Malteeser's ban appeal can someone help me please

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Malteeser

    In Game Name:
    Reason for your ban:
    "suicidle chat"
    Why should you be unbanned:
    because, i wasnt speaking suicidly, i was talking to halo. and i said i will die and burn my god armor, and i did so and he said to me peace is made i said, " im very angry for you letting me die" And then i was banned! i have put alot of dedication into this server and love it please unban me, i get there's kids on the server but i'm sorry i shall not do it again. :(

    Can anyone help me, I really am eager to get back on and continue playing I was in the middle of building my base. I am extremely sorry for stating something which could have or was deemed as offence I didn't mean it like that I meant it as a minecraft joke as I died. And I didn't get a warning however, I apologise because it can i guess be classed as suicidle but I am sorry. And shall NEVER DO IT AGAIN ☺

    My in game name is maltyy and, how long till i'm unbanned?

  2. Hello you were given many warnings about chat violations (caps,spam,suicide jokes etc) before and these kind of jokes aren't allowed here. Please follow the rules strictly and don't do that again. You'll be pardoned automatically 24 hours after this post. Good day, good luck and good health.

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