Mob System Design

  1. 7 years ago

    In this post, i will be showing you a beta 1.4 (with a beta 1.6 fix) mob system. the mob farm is a 30x30 4 block high mob farm with 16 6x6 spawning pads. -image- As you can see there are gaps between the spawning pads where there is water. This is to push mobs up to the center where there is a mob elevator. -image- This four way mob elevator makes the mobs swim up to the spider separator and mob killing areas. -image- As you can see there the 2 block tall mobs swim up the mob elevator (going through my base) and the spiders go die a horrible death. After that the creepers, zombies and skeletons get sent to a mob grinder area. -image- That is all! If you have any questions post them below and i will answer them.

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