1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by GoldenDerp

    IGN: GoldenDerp

    Reason Banned; Chat violation

    Why I should be unbanned: I think it was a bit unfair even though I politely asked the people to stop talking to me and got banned for being rude. (In the rules it says I can do that) and plus, they were being rude towards me

  2. I don't think i need to introduce myself, seeing as i have personally told you i would ban you if you had another rule violation multiple times.

    The fact that you think that both that this situation was the sole reason for your ban, and that you did it "politely" is lunacy.

    You have received multiple warnings and kicks (IMO, far more than you should have received) consistently ever since you joined.

    You will be unbanned in 24 hours from the time of my response.
    Read the rules (Like i've told you to do multiple times)
    Learn the rules (Again, like i've told you to do)
    And follow the rules (Need i say it?)

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