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phienx25 proper appeal

  1. 8 years ago

    reason for ban: to suggestive and not listening.
    hey i got banned a few hours ago.... honestly i feel im pretty mild, i didnt swear or use bad language or talk in other languages, and to say im suggestive is a bit much, one of the things was me makeing a talking to yourself joke, another was me saying a ludo lyric because a person said "they were my house and i should sleep in them" in which i responded with a not bad atall lyric from the song love me dead by ludo, the coffin lyric where i said they were my coffin not my house. the last one was me saying someone mooned a person because people were fighting and someone shouted " I SEE YOUR ASS" and i was also gonna say, or was he just running away, because for a person to shout i see your ass, there has to be a reason and i thought it funny to ask if they got mooned or if the person was just running. these things to me honestly dont seem suggestive atall, compared to what ive seen on this server, and the fact that you have people that shout vulgarities and get away with it and dont even get a warning, makes me feel like the rules you enforce are the rules you choose to at the time, and ive only been on this server for like, 2 days now? i used to play on another server but its down because of the upgrade and the rules they had were very simalar to yours but i never got banned, and i got kicked once for telling a person to not say fuck, i usually follow the rules, but i get in trouble for saying, he mooned you, i talk to myself as a joke, or telling a person that they arnt my house. it would seem you are not enforcing the right rules you have placed if you let people shout fuck shit dammit and other things, while banning me for saying MOON. to uplift the ban would be nice and for you guys to also follow your own placed rules and ban the people that are actually breaking them, would be a nice first step. as far as the me not listening thing goes, each time i was actually understanding what you were saying, but what you were saying was basically dont make jokes, dont talk, and if you talk make sure it contians vulgarity. because everyone else was being vulgar, swearing, or just being rude, while again, i made a joke about another player mooning someone. i honestly dont care if you remove the ban, the thing i most care about is a server following its own rules and enforcing them. or at the very least paying attention to what goes on when a mass group of people is haveing a conversation, no one person can be at fault for suggestive behavior when one person is remarking on the suggestive behavior of another, and to ban the person that was remarking on the suggestive behavior by using a joke to make it more funny, seems to be the wrong course of action. tho also these circumstances can be misconstrued. so again i dont care if you uplift the ban or not, at this point im more or less doing a complaint about the enforcement and regulation of the rules you have placed for this server and the actions you let go by unnoticed and the small actions that you punish. if the ban is to be uplifted that would be ok, and i would come back and have a bit of fun probably, but again, this is less about the ban and more about wanting the server owner/moderators to do a better job at regulating what happens. to have the rule "listen to the moderators" is a very strict and bad rule as well, because this gives the moderators free reign to make rules on the fly, even if they dont make sense. i support players not being so rude to eachother and spamming the chat is annoying, and caps can be forgiven as long as its not on purpose, because sometimes you meant to press shift and you hit cap lock, so a warning for a accident is also harsh, not that i did that, but i saw alot of that.

  2. Hello i was the mod that banned you, below are the rules you broke that resulted in your ban.

    Listen to staff members
    - Enough said! People will always find ways around the rules, staff reserve the right to make changes to the rules to cover these holes in order to keep the server a safe friendly place.

    don’t discuss controversial, sensitive or offensive topics (e.g. sex, sexual identity or preferences, race, politics, religion, drugs, etc.), (main chat rules you broke)

    I do not know what you said before i logged in but i was aware that 2 of our helpers had given you a few warnings already, those combined with the 1s i gave you (the cannibalism and suggestive topic) then the final 1 from 1 of our admins made me decide you had received more than enough of them.

    You will be unbanned in 3 days from the appeal.