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Kraz3d4073's Staff Application

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by kraz3d4073

    In Game Name: kraz3d4073

    Age: 17

    Time Zone: Central time zone

    Strengths: I am a second owner on my friends server and im creating my own server right now, so with that past experience, I know the commands and responsibilities that come with the position.

    Weaknesses: My Pride is my greatest weakness. Anyone in power , or anyone with responsibility, can twist it in their mind that they are above anyone else. We all need to work on that, which would make the staff and well known players of the community more humble towards new players who join for the first time.

    Why you are Applying: Im applying for helper or mod

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): I dont know how to find ticks but I can tell you I just joined on 7/7/2017 around 5:30 but i really like the server and it seems like i will spend a lot of time playing.

    Custom Note (optional): I should be chosen as a staff member for many reasons. Let me start of by stating in my mind I would like to make a difference whether i'm staff or just a normal player. I don't like to declare my judgement on people until I get the full story about whatever it is that's happening. There's a time to be serious and a time to relax a bit and I'm very good at managing both. I like to handle things head on and tackle any obstacles in my way with efficiency and competence. I'm also a very Calm & Patient person giving me a clear understanding of what the player needs. When dealing with players, you need to maintain a calm attitude even if they're screaming at you in anger. If you begin to rush an issue the player needs help with, it may anger or make the player upset as the issue wouldn't be resolved. I've dealt with many things on servers before and I know how every situation of every fight goes and I know how to handle them. I'm very active and have been playing minecraft for about 3 years now. I understand what its like to wait for support, I've been there, a lot of people have. I feel like I can cut down on the waiting time that people suffer through and help out whenever needed. Along side the assistance of players I can also provide my help for any personal or server related problems that other staff members might need. I work well handling people and feel I leave a positive vibe on everyone I meet. I can bring new ideas and help with existing projects the server might have planned for the future.

  2. Application denied, you do not meet the minimum tick requirement.
    To check your ticks you need to type ticks? in chat, you need a minimum of 10 million which equates to something around 6 real world days.