Shockme001's Apology Final Edit

  1. 7 years ago
    Deleted 3 years ago by Shockme001
  2. There are no second chances for hackers, this is a permanent ban.


  3. So.. Let me get this straight. You come to our server, use a hacked client in order to cheat and because you are "sorry" and won't "do it again" I should take you at your word and let you back?

    Don't make me laugh, while the rules don't explicitly say you'll be banned for ever common sense dictates that cheating is bad, and being caught will result in punishment. Yet despite knowing what you were doing you did it anyway.

    I really could not be bothered to have to keep checking on you to see if you are doing it again, hence it's easier just to leave you banned.


  4. It wouldn't make the slightest difference, you used a modified client in order to have an advantage over the average player and bypass the restrictions they are held too.

    If Mojang wanted you to see through dirt they'd let you.


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