Bapple88's Ban Appeal

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Bapple88

    Ok first off I dont want R4 to do this appeal leave to someone else please.

    Ok so I got banned for "Threatening the server", a admin logged in then logged off within 10 seconds and i said ddos'd as a joke because it seemed like he got ddosed, someone took it seriously and then reported it, although the other people in chat took it as a joke as well saying lol and what not.

    I know "Threatening the server" is against the rules but it is'nt shown in the rules and I didn't know that at the time, I didnt see how it could fall under controversial, sensitive or offensive topic. Regardless it was a joke, I didnt mean it and im truly sorry and im asking for a second chance and that the admins update the page because something that can get you perma banned with no appeal that isnt on the rule page is just wrong. R4 told me its common sense but common sense isnt so common. Please give me a second chance.

    edit: Also if I had known it would have got me perma banned I wouldn't have said it, if it was a 24 hour ban I might have said it regardless but I had no clue it would get me perma banned.

  2. Server threats are taken very seriously, please exercise some caution when throwing around words like that in the future.

    You have been unbanned.

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