Edited 7 years ago by Nysic


Time: 2017-08-31 11:54:44
Server: vanilla
Player: Djscales101
Reason: Spam

Spam ----------------------> [2017-08-31 11:48:23] <Djscales101> buying mending and umbreaking
Spam ----------------------> [2017-08-31 11:53:39] <Djscales101> buying mending and umbreaking 3
Spam (Kicked) -------------> [2017-08-31 11:54:17] <Djscales101> buying mending and umbreaking 3
Spam (Banned) -------------> [2017-08-31 11:54:44] <Djscales101> buying mending and umbreaking 3

As you can see, the server kicked you after you said the same thing 3 times. On the fourth when you said excatly the same thing the server got pissed off you ignored its warning and banned you.

You'll be unbanned in 24 hours, don't spam the server she doesn't like it very much.
