noobypooby1's Ban Appeal (its only to craftymynes)

  1. 7 years ago

    i (noobypooby1) said:

    In Game Name: noobypooby1

    Reason for your ban: hacking (i didn't do it)

    Why should you be unbanned: this is why i was banned (i talked with someone in the chat):
    me: i have hax mod and exploit
    random person: you get banned if you do that
    me: it was a joke
    random person: i know but ill report you anyways
    *noobypooby1 (me) was banned for hacking*

    you (CraftyMyner) said:

    Twas just a prank bro! What are we supposed to believe, what you said or what you said? Hacking is a
    permaban on CraftyMynes, have fun elsewhere and maybe think before you shoot yourself in the foot (it
    really hurts).

    my answer:

    its not a rule that you not is allowed to joke about hack,exploit and mods (im innocent).

  2. G'day,

    The boss has spoken mate, you admitted to hacking (jokingly or not) and you are banned. This is how you will remain.


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