NerdieBirdieYT's Staff Application

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by NerdieBirdieYT

    IGN: NerdieBirdieYT
    Age: 16
    Time Zone: EST

    Kindness is a virtue. One the the biggest goals in my real-world life is to be kind to everyone - to strangers, to friends, and even to enemies. I strive to be as kind as possible to everyone. That's primarily why I welcome new players all the time, and try to help out when questions are asked about CraftyMynes or Minecraft itself. Having played Minecraft for about 6 years now and actively viewing and producing content on it, I have a good grasp on most aspects of the game. Maturity is also something I push towards as much as I can. I stick very closely to the server rules and am quick to remind people of them when they are questioned or being actively broken. My faction, those who have it me tour their builds (including "enemies"), and quite a few staff members consider me a dependable individual. Speaking of my faction, I believe leading it has majorly increased my leadership skills and helped me handle difficult situations. Lastly, I will point out that I try to be a friendly and companionable person, often joking around with players in chat, which I consider to be something staff members can do well to maintain a healthy playerbase.

    I have been closely tied to quite a bit of controversy, whether I started it or not. While I recognize this and know I have messed up in the past, I truly have begun to see a turning point in which the controversy is more mild, and I am able to be myself more. I do not like direct confrontation against myself, which I understand that, if accepted as staff, I nah have to deal with. I trust that my experiences here on CraftyMynes has made me more capable of handling such conflicts.

    Reasoning for Applying:
    Much of what I do in-game already is what I would be doing as Helper (keeping an eye on chat, answering questions, trying to keep players within the rules, etc). I firmly believe that being a staff member for this server would help me to grow as a person by giving me experiences I do not have in the real world, such as moderation and being a friendly but stern "leader", in a sense. I'm on the server very often after school hours, and there aren't always staff on, as many of them have jobs that extend later into the night. I love this server (if I didn't, I would not have made over 30 episodes on it, nor would I have stayed here after much of the drama I have experienced), and I want to improve it as much as possible. I'd love to help out in any way I can.

    Current Ticks: 15,107,150

    Custom Note:
    Thank you for taking the time to read this! ^-^

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