Edited 6 years ago by AttackTeam

@_Haxington_ Nobody says you have to buy said "add ons" to the game. the basic game itself should be fine as is, but you are just focusing on the negative portions of this version, and nothing else. The servers they have running right now are "official". Yes, that means that there is limited support for these platforms in the form of multiplayer at the moment. Plus the whole marketplace is a sore spot for most in the community to begin with. Also what you said is partially incorrect, since that's coming purely from your point of view. Take for example a player that uses the Mobile version, and is more proficient at that than the computer applicable versions. How would that be considered "unbalanced" exactly, if they can do hypothetically better than they had if they were using a computer? Now i'm not saying that the whole microtransaction thing isn't completely unsanctioned or whatever you want to refer to it as being, since it's not just Minecraft that has been having this issue recently, take a good number of games in the "shooter" genre recently with "loot crates" etc. with cosmetics, but then you have the worse end of the spectrum which is paying to win with premium content. Then you also have the side issue of things like that being associated with gambling as well. some decent examples of these in major-ish titles that I've heard of would be, (keep in mind I've not played a good portion of the things i'm listing here) Star Wars Battlefront II, Plants Vs. Zombies II, Overwatch, Fruit Ninja, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WIld, you name it. DLC, Microtransactions, add ons, whatever you want to call it, it's rampant in the games industry these days, restricting content that could have been added to the game in the first place, slapping a technically heftier price tag onto the game for those wanting a "complete" experience, if you could even call it that.