Hijacked96's Staff Application

  1. 7 years ago

    In Game Name: Hijacked96

    Age: 16

    Time Zone: UTC-6:00 (Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, etc).

    Strengths: Probably my most important strength that I have is experience. I have had this one Minecraft account for the past five and a half years and I have run five servers in that time. They were mainly just with friends that I had in real life and it wasn't a public server.
    I have been pretty active on CraftyMynes lately and I play on CraftyMynes at least two hours every day. I also actually play the game rather than just login AFK.
    I come to CraftyMynes just to have fun. So I am usually laid back and chill. However, I do have my limits that I will state in my weaknesses.
    I have recently started to talk more with some of the newer players of CraftyMynes, introducing them to the server and informing them of the community of players that play on CraftyMynes.
    When I am given a task to do on CraftyMynes whether it is faction related or just helping out a friend on CM, I am dedicated to my work and I focus on getting it done and doing it right. Occasionally I slack off, but I typically get back to it in the future.

    Weaknesses: First off: I am easily annoyed. Often times it's because of some troll. Even if I know that the player is a troll, it still gets on my nerves what they do or say, especially when they are being arrogant or blatantly lying. I'll try my best to not talk to the trolls, but it's going to be hard and it might be a problem if I'm staff.
    Second: I am edgy as hell. Sometimes you don't notice right away. However you will find out eventually if you are talking to me in the Discord. I know that staff like to poke some mildly controversial jokes at each other, but I would most likely take it to a whole new level. It will most likely happen if I am in a conversation where others are joking around because I think that my edgy joke would be funny.
    Third: My language is rather "colorful". While I usually follow the rules on CraftyMynes, I have the occasional problem with profanity. However I can keep it under control and mainly limit it to just the casual swearing that is typical on CraftyMynes.

    Why you are Applying: I have wanted to be a CraftyMynes staff member since I first started playing on this server. I haven't had any staff role on a Minecraft server for the past two years and I would like to get extra experience being a staff member on a public server. I typically don't really care about being a staff member on any Minecraft server. However, I have grown accustom to CraftyMynes and I got to know so many more people that I wouldn't have ever met because of CraftyMynes.

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 10,289,767

    Custom Note (optional): I have tried to fill out this application as honest as I could. It was hard, but I am confident that this application is as transparent as the glass that makes up the window in your room. Hope that you like my application and I look forward to a response.

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